Swimming amongst lawyers and thieves
She laughs and loves
Amongst fake colors and song
liars and lovers become one in his house
The home is painted blue and yellow
Bright colors --- the colors that mask the lies
Alone in her room of pink and ruffles she cries
Leave me alone and leave me to be
The lies are dancing around the house on four legs, hopping and skipping
Lingering over her feet she jumps away
they are in the walls, the ceiling, the floors
married to his suits, his ties and his white teeth
The lies curl over a pot in her kitchen, giggling and grimacing over a stew that boils and spits
they use their six arms and tip the black pot over onto her feet and once again she runs away
Purple and green -- her eyes.
Blind she trips over a lies’ foot , tumbling, head over feet she lands at her husband’s black shiny toes
The lies curl up in warm spots where the sun hits, like cats -- cats with black eyes and fur like thorns
Their laughter haunts the house
The windows are painted light blue, mimicking the sky
As she steps over the threshold and out into the world -- she can no longer move
Her feet are melting into the grass, turning green and brown
Her hands are disappearing into the branches of the trees around her
The sky drags her upwards and outwards.
Silent and proud she stands. Guarding the lies in their home.
Limbs outstretched to the colors she never had
1 comment:
this is so moving. your writing is unbelievable.
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